Language: English
- Format 21 cm x 29,7 cm - 280 pages / 2800 photos
- Taikyoku sono Ichi, Ni, San / Taikyoku sono Ichi, Ni, San, formes URA
- Taikyoku Sokugi sono Ichi, Ni, San
- Pinan sono Ichi, Ni, San, Yon, Go / Pinan sono Ichi, Ni, San, Yon, Go, formes URA
- Sanchin no Kata / Tensho
- Tsuki no Kata / Yantsu / Gekisai Dai / Gekisai Sho / Saiha
- Seiienchin / Seipai / Garyu / Kanku / Sushi ho / Bassai
Each Kyokushin Kata is tackled down to the last detail, including in the intermediate times, allowing the beginner as well as the highest ranking Karateka to benefit from the experience and personal research of Shihan Bertrand Kron.